Responsible Gaming

Like many other addictions, compulsive gambling involves uncontrollable urges that, if left unchecked, can lead to financial hardship. Anyone can be exposed to compulsive gambling, regardless of age, gender, race or financial status. Once detected, compulsive gambling can be successfully treated. The key is early detection to prevent adverse and serious consequences. If you feel that you have a compulsive gambling problem, we strongly recommend that you seek help.


Warning signs of compulsive gambling include:

Gaming more to recoup or recoup previous losses.

Spending time with family or at work to participate in tournaments.

A recurring inability to stop or control participation.

Borrowing money to participate or repay previous losses.

Neglecting your family or yourself as a result of excessive gambling.

Lying or hiding the truth about time or money lost during gambling.

Selling or mortgaging personal property for the game.

Feeling hopeless, depressed, or suicidal.

If you or someone you know is experiencing or may be experiencing compulsive gambling addiction, it is important to remember that help, intervention, and treatment are available.